About Us


San Antonio Romance Authors is a chapter of the Romance Writers of America® (RWA), a nonprofit trade association whose mission is to advance the professional interests of career-focused romance writers through networking and advocacy. RWA works to support the efforts of its members to earn a living, to make a full-time career out of writing romance or a part-time one that generously supplements his or her main income.

SARA is home to many bestselling and award-winning authors, as well as many, very talented aspiring authors. We write in every genre you can imagine, in and out of romance.

What We Do

Membership in SARA allows you to connect with other writers who share your love for Romance writing. More importantly, SARA provides members the opportunity to expand their knowledge base, improve their writing skills, and to encourage their fellow writers in the romance writing industry.
SARA members benefit from:


  • Monthly meetings which feature a craft, marketing, or business of writing workshop
  • Face to face critique groups
  • Online critique groups
  • Online discussion groups
  • Monthly face to face craft conversations focused on relevant writing topics
  • Monthly social and networking activities with other writers
  • Invitations to cross-promotional activities and events like book fairs and signings
  • Annual invest-in-yourself writing challenge
  • Annual holiday party
  • And a group of cheerleaders second to none…


No matter where you are in your journey—beginner, intermediate, or long-standing published author—your voice, your talent, and your energy are welcome here. Please join us.

Our Activities

Except for occasional members-only workshops, our monthly meetings are open to the public. You may visit twice as a guest before joining RWA and SARA. After those two meetings, you will need to join both in order to continue attending. (Membership in RWA is a required prerequisite for joining SARA.)

You can find our scheduled activities on this
website and Facebook.

Our monthly meetings generally fall on the third Saturday of each month from 10:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m at:

John Igo Library
13330 Kyle Seale Pkwy
San Antonio, TX 78249